使用鼠标库,你可以使用Arduino Leonardo,Micro或Due来控制计算机的屏幕光标。
在计算机上打开Arduino IDE软件。使用Arduino语言进行编码控制你的电路。通过单击“New”打开一个新的草图文件。
对于本例,你需要使用Arduino IDE 1.6.7
#include "Mouse.h" // set pin numbers for the five buttons: const int upButton = 2; const int downButton = 3; const int leftButton = 4; const int rightButton = 5; const int mouseButton = 6; int range = 5; // output range of X or Y movement; affects movement speed int responseDelay = 10; // response delay of the mouse, in ms void setup() { // initialize the buttons" inputs: pinMode(upButton, INPUT); pinMode(downButton, INPUT); pinMode(leftButton, INPUT); pinMode(rightButton, INPUT); pinMode(mouseButton, INPUT); // initialize mouse control: Mouse.begin(); } void loop() { // read the buttons: int upState = digitalRead(upButton); int downState = digitalRead(downButton); int rightState = digitalRead(rightButton); int leftState = digitalRead(leftButton); int clickState = digitalRead(mouseButton); // calculate the movement distance based on the button states: int xDistance = (leftState - rightState) * range; int yDistance = (upState - downState) * range; // if X or Y is non-zero, move: if ((xDistance != 0) || (yDistance != 0)) { Mouse.move(xDistance, yDistance, 0); } // if the mouse button is pressed: if (clickState == HIGH) { // if the mouse is not pressed, press it: if (!Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) { Mouse.press(MOUSE_LEFT); } } else { // else the mouse button is not pressed: // if the mouse is pressed, release it: if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) { Mouse.release(MOUSE_LEFT); } } // a delay so the mouse does not move too fast: delay(responseDelay); }
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