<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatternsStructuralComposite; interface Renderable { public function render(): string; }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatternsStructuralComposite; class Form implements Renderable { private array $elements; public function render(): string { $formCode = "<form>"; foreach ($this->elements as $element) { $formCode .= $element->render(); } return $formCode . "</form>"; } public function addElement(Renderable $element) { $this->elements[] = $element; } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatternsStructuralComposite; class InputElement implements Renderable { public function render(): string { return "<input type="text" />"; } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatternsStructuralComposite; class TextElement implements Renderable { public function __construct(private string $text) { } public function render(): string { return $this->text; } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace DesignPatternsStructuralCompositeTests; use DesignPatternsStructuralCompositeForm; use DesignPatternsStructuralCompositeTextElement; use DesignPatternsStructuralCompositeInputElement; use PHPUnitFrameworkTestCase; class CompositeTest extends TestCase { public function testRender() { $form = new Form(); $form->addElement(new TextElement("Email:")); $form->addElement(new InputElement()); $embed = new Form(); $embed->addElement(new TextElement("Password:")); $embed->addElement(new InputElement()); $form->addElement($embed); // This is just an example, in a real world scenario it is important to remember that web browsers do not // currently support nested forms $this->assertSame( "<form>Email:<input type="text" /><form>Password:<input type="text" /></form></form>", $form->render() ); } }
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