Golang 目录扫描是一种常见的文件系统操作,它可以帮助我们快速地找到特定目录下的文件和子目录。它可以用来搜索特定文件,也可以用来处理大量文件。
Golang 目录扫描的基本原理是使用 os.FileInfo 接口,该接口包含了一个 FileInfo 对象,该对象包含了文件的信息,如文件名、大小、时间戳等。我们可以使用 os.FileInfo 接口来遍历整个目录树,并收集所有需要处理的文件信息。
func scanDir(dir string) { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) // 获取目录下所有文件信息 if err != nil { // 如果出错则返回错误信息 fmt.Println(err) return } for _, file := range files { // 遍历目录下的所有文件信息 if file.IsDir() { // 如果是子目录则递归调用scanDir函数 scanDir(filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())) } else { // 如果不是子目录则处理该文件 fmt.Println("Processing file:", filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())) } } }
func ScanDir(path string, pattern string, recursive ...bool) ([]string, error)
func ExampleScanDir() {
// init
var (
fileName = "gflie_example.txt"
tempDir = gfile.TempDir("gfile_example_scan_dir")
tempFile = gfile.Join(tempDir, fileName)
tempSubDir = gfile.Join(tempDir, "sub_dir")
tempSubFile = gfile.Join(tempSubDir, fileName)
// write contents
gfile.PutContents(tempFile, "goframe example content")
gfile.PutContents(tempSubFile, "goframe example content")
// scans directory recursively
list, _ := gfile.ScanDir(tempDir, "*", true)
for _, v := range list {
// Output:
// gflie_example.txt
// sub_dir
// gflie_example.txt
func ScanDirFile(path string, pattern string, recursive ...bool) ([]string, error)
func ExampleScanDirFile() {
// init
var (
fileName = "gflie_example.txt"
tempDir = gfile.TempDir("gfile_example_scan_dir_file")
tempFile = gfile.Join(tempDir, fileName)
tempSubDir = gfile.Join(tempDir, "sub_dir")
tempSubFile = gfile.Join(tempSubDir, fileName)
// write contents
gfile.PutContents(tempFile, "goframe example content")
gfile.PutContents(tempSubFile, "goframe example content")
// scans directory recursively exclusive of directories
list, _ := gfile.ScanDirFile(tempDir, "*.txt", true)
for _, v := range list {
// Output:
// gflie_example.txt
// gflie_example.txt
func ScanDirFunc(path string, pattern string, recursive bool, handler func(path string) string) ([]string, error)
func ExampleScanDirFunc() {
// init
var (
fileName = "gflie_example.txt"
tempDir = gfile.TempDir("gfile_example_scan_dir_func")
tempFile = gfile.Join(tempDir, fileName)
tempSubDir = gfile.Join(tempDir, "sub_dir")
tempSubFile = gfile.Join(tempSubDir, fileName)
// write contents
gfile.PutContents(tempFile, "goframe example content")
gfile.PutContents(tempSubFile, "goframe example content")
// scans directory recursively
list, _ := gfile.ScanDirFunc(tempDir, "*", true, func(path string) string {
// ignores some files
if gfile.Basename(path) == "gflie_example.txt" {
return ""
return path
for _, v := range list {
// Output:
// sub_dir
func ScanDirFileFunc(path string, pattern string, recursive bool, handler func(path string) string) ([]string, error)
func ExampleScanDirFileFunc() {
// init
var (
fileName = "gflie_example.txt"
tempDir = gfile.TempDir("gfile_example_scan_dir_file_func")
tempFile = gfile.Join(tempDir, fileName)
fileName1 = "gflie_example_ignores.txt"
tempFile1 = gfile.Join(tempDir, fileName1)
tempSubDir = gfile.Join(tempDir, "sub_dir")
tempSubFile = gfile.Join(tempSubDir, fileName)
// write contents
gfile.PutContents(tempFile, "goframe example content")
gfile.PutContents(tempFile1, "goframe example content")
gfile.PutContents(tempSubFile, "goframe example content")
// scans directory recursively exclusive of directories
list, _ := gfile.ScanDirFileFunc(tempDir, "*.txt", true, func(path string) string {
// ignores some files
if gfile.Basename(path) == "gflie_example_ignores.txt" {
return ""
return path
for _, v := range list {
// Output:
// gflie_example.txt
// gflie_example.txt
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